Doug McIntyre

NOVELIST · Columnist · TV/Film Writer-Producer · RADIO HOST


Radio Host · Columnist · TV/Film Writer-Producer · Event Emcee

President Obama's Nuclear Non-Apology, Apology.

Barack Obama never said the words “sorry” or “I apologize,” so technically it wasn’t an apology. As the first sitting American president to ever visit Hiroshima, Japan, the world was focused on every syllable Obama would say.“Seventy-one years ago” began the president, “on a bright, cloudless morning, death fell from the sky and the world was changed.” Of course, 75 years ago, on a bright, cloudless...

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Can We Handle the Truth About Political Correctness?

I knew a guy who loved to tell blatantly racist jokes. We’ll call him “Mr. Name Withheld” because it’s possible he still walks among us. In addition to his other charms, Mr. Name Withheld also had no concept of personal space. He would grab my arm and literally pull me so close I could count the bumper crop of hairs growing out of his enormous tomato nose. Then he’d go into his act: “Two blacks walk into the welfare office ...”

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Middle Class? Fat Chance!

The bad news is the American middle class is shrinking. The worse news is the average American’s middle is growing. At the same time incomes are going down, waistlines are going up.The Pew Research Center crunched Census Bureau numbers and found in 203 out of 229 metropolitan areas, including Los Angeles, the percentage of households qualifying as “middle class” fell since the turn of the millennium. In places like Midland, Texas, it’s actually good...

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In the PC world, every word can hurt us

I’m big with criminals.Occasionally I get letters from prison. Sometimes a letter will come from the county clink and sometimes I get mail from one of California’s popular state penitentiaries. So this might be a case of biting the hand that feeds me.Last week, Karol Mason, the Assistant U.S. Attorney General told The Washington Post that the Justice Department would no longer use the terms “felon” and “convict” when referring to felons...

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Waving the wrong flag only makes Trump stronger

Attention Mexican flag-waving, cop-car rocking, bottle-throwing anti-Trump protesters; The Donald thanks you. Donald Trump’s horrible rise to the top of the GOP heap has been zipping along on two separate but co-equal tracks: a.) he’s clearly the front-runner to be the nominee of the Republican Party and b.) He’s guaranteed to lose in November. Not just lose, get slaughtered.Every poll in every demographic in all 50 states indicates Trump will be...

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